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We Must Pray for Our Nation~ Isaiah 60:12 / Jeremiah 12:17

Father, we come boldly before your throne of grace praying for our nation. For you instructed us to pray for those who are in authority so that the people may be able to live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. So, Father, we lift up the United States of America before you in prayer. We lift up all who are in governmental, state, city, county, military and civil authority. We lift up the President of the United States, his assistance, our Congressmen, our Governors, our Senators, our Mayors, military leaders and all who make decisions concerning the laws of our land. 

Father, give them divine guidance, direction, instruction, and counsel concerning the problems, challenges and affairs that face our nation. We pray that the Spirit of God rest upon them with godly counsel, wisdom, knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Father, you said, "Where there is no (godly inspired) counsel, the people will fall", so we thank you for guiding those who are in positions of authority and give them solutions to the problems that face our nation.


Father, on behalf of our nation, forgive us for abandoning You as our first love and going after other gods. While we gloat in our educational pursuits, secret societies, and material possessions, we have become ignorant of the Bible and what you teach us in it. Due to our absence from the study of God's word, worship and God, we have loss many of our children to the world. We are now experiencing what a generation looks like who know not the Lord!  We have forsaken Your Son and not only ignored the church He said that "He would build" (Matthew 16:18/ Romans 16:16-20). Men have built (Founded) other churches that are not even found in the Bible (I Corinthians 3:11-15) and celebrate religious DIVISON (I Corinthians 1:10-15/ I Corinthians 14:33-35) while failing to acknowledge the prayer of Jesus Christ (John 17:17-21) for all of us to be ONE in ONE body (church) Ephesians 4:4-6/I Corinthians 12:12-27/Ephesians 1:22-23


Please forgive us Father, for defiantly following wolves in sheep clothing that have led us away (Matthew 7:13-15) after all you have already told us that "every plant (church, religious organization) that You have not planted will be rooted up" and to "not follow blind leaders" (Matthew 15:13-14). This disobedience has led to an immoral society (even among many religious folks), to more people becoming atheist along with worldwide division which you hate (Mark 3:25, Romans 16:17). 


Father, TODAY we are deciding to no longer be like those in Matthew 7:21 who said, "Lord Lord" and yet were not faithful to YOU (Yah) to enter the kingdom of heaven because they did not do the Will of the Father but their own will. We will only speak where the Bible speaks and will be silent where the Bible is silent! We will no longer follow religious practices, religions, churches, nor religious leaders that cannot lead us in Christianity as found in the New Testament of the Bible. 


We pray that our One Nation will faithfully serve Under God. Turn our hearts as a nation from the road of utter destruction and turn us again to going after You, the only true living God. You said, "If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face...then we will hear from heaven, and you will heal our land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). 


Our God (Yah), we really need you. You are our refuge and stronghold in times of trouble. So we ask this prayer today for our nation in Jesus (Yeshua) name. Amen. 


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